Somos uma empresa de Marketing Digital que atua desde 2010 no mercado, especializada em Tráfego Pago, Desenvolvimento de Websites Wix e Gestão de Redes Sociais. Atendemos os mais variados segmentos de... mercado, com transparência e ética, procurando pensar como seu cliente pensa, focando sempre em resultados e no crescimento de sua empresa!
Com design único e diferenciado, elaboramos uma apresentação atraente e objetiva de sua empresa, garantindo uma ótima experiência ao usuário e passando credibilidade e confiança. Nossos Websites são totalmente personalizados e otimizados, buscando atingir e conquistar seus clientes!
Tire todas as suas dúvidas sobre nossos serviços de Criação e Gerenciamento de Websites, Google Ads e Redes Sociais (Face e Insta). Será um prazer atendê-lo!
WhatsApp: (11) 99001-8392 | (11) 2214-1425
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Serviços oferecidos
SEOConteúdo escritoEdição de imagensMigrar siteSite mobileWeb design clássicoWeb design avançadoAtualizações do siteConectar domínioNovo design do siteEmail personalizadoConfiguração de anúncios
Projetos em destaque (20)
Serviços e preços
Web design (5)
Pequenas tarefas (3)
Marketing e divulgação (3)
Design gráfico (1)
Web design clássico
Obtenha um site básico que inclui um tema.
A partir de$ 150
Web design avançado
Obtenha um site com efeitos visuais personalizados, recursos avançados e mais.
A partir de$ 200
Novo design do site
Obtenha um novo tema e design para seu site.
A partir de$ 100
Migrar site
Use seus gráficos e conteúdo existentes em um novo site Wix.
I love the website that David created for me. He worked fast and over delivered on the website design. David captured my vision , and also came up with an innovative concept that I did not even anticipate.... I am really happy with the service and I highly recommend Xenthaus.
We created a website with Wix that wasn't scaling correctly and Jacki helped us understand how to lay things out using Wix so that the site responds to different screen sizes. She showed us how to find... things in Wix that we had missed. Overall she was an excellent person to work with in that she was very courteous, pleasant, and knowledgeable. Jacki was flexible with her schedule to work with us. We highly recommend her services.
David was outstanding and went above and beyond to help us every step of the way. His professionalism and attention to detail was outstanding. He was very responsive, and his customer service was extraordinary.... I would highly recommend David and will seek his guidance in the future.
David is courteous and well mannered. Able to quickly grasp my website and social network needs and design a system to get people to my website, gather needed information and purchase tickets for the... show.
I can fully recommend David and his staff for all your internet needs.
Pete McMillan, owner/operator
Intuitive Mystic Experience Magic Show
This was an awesome team to work with overall. The Vision that you have for your website will exceed your expectations and you will not be disappointed. Dave will walk through everything you need to know... and are unsure of to make sure you are satisfied at all cost..This is one of the best experiences I've had in a Business partnership. Thank you...
Knowledgeable, polite, generous with his time and patience. I would always recommend him and intend to promote his relationship with us on an ongoing basis. Please do not hesitate to use me as a reference.
Paul... Dolbec
My experience with Dave was nothing short of amazing!! He was very attentive and gave great insight. Dave was easy to work with and accessible when needed. Once again, thanks for your hard work!...
David has been stellar to work with from beginning. He understands my vision and has been very resourceful in implementing my vision. I look forward to working with David in the future....
David worked tirelessly to get my website beautiful and functional. He truly wants the best for your business and works to make it happen. I am looking forward to working with him again to grow even more!...