The Hive Marketing Collective
The Hive Marketing Collective
A full-stack marketing agency that customizes every new client experience.

projetos concluídos


Sobre The Hive Marketing Collective

Our core colony of marketing experts have been hand-selected from the best in our industry and brought together to collectively and collaboratively form The Hive. We recognized a need in the industry... for strategists that weren’t just smart and creative, but also looking to build a new kind of marketing agency - one that does pricing in a way that’s fair and transparent, one that delivers the highest quality work for the greatest ROI, and one that truly thrives on seeing its clients grow and succeed. We feel a sense of pride for being even a small part of your growth and success. We’re invested in you right from the start - learning your business and understanding your goals in a way that means your voice is heard and your needs are met. We pride ourselves on creating long-term solutions for on-going results, rather than the surface-level approach of simply providing answers to immediate problems. Your success is a direct reflection of our own, and with that, we aim for the top.
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Serviços oferecidos
SEOConteúdo escritoOtimização da lojaCriação de marcaMigrar siteSite mobileWeb design clássicoWeb design avançadoOrientação sobre o siteConteúdo visualSite de eCommerceNovo design do site

Serviços e preços

Web design (5)

Pequenas tarefas (1)

Loja online (2)

Marketing e divulgação (2)

Design gráfico (2)

Web design clássico

Obtenha um site básico que inclui um tema.
A partir de $ 500

Web design avançado

Obtenha um site com efeitos visuais personalizados, recursos avançados e mais.
A partir de $ 2.000

Novo design do site

Obtenha um novo tema e design para seu site.
A partir de $ 300

Migrar site

Use seus gráficos e conteúdo existentes em um novo site Wix.
A partir de $ 1.500

Site mobile

Obtenha um site com ótimo layout no mobile.
A partir de $ 300

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