Robert Mawdsley Design
Robert Mawdsley Design
Modern, Stylish, Boutique Web Designer for Artists and Entrepreneurs.

projetos concluídos

25, IT

Sobre Robert Mawdsley Design

Hi. I have been designing websites using Wix for many years and recently Wix contacted me to see if I would be interested in using Wix Marketplace, so here I am! I am an English Designer & Photographer... based in Lake Como & Milan. I work with artists & entrepreneurs on modern, stylish web designs and social media content. My style is modern, minimal and breathable, suited to wellness, artists and the creative community. I also work with businesses wanted to move into a more modern elegant space. Attention to detail and a natural flow are of upmost importance. In the past I have worked with designers, artists & fashion producers on campaigns and one off events within East London. I have curated magazine launches & gallery openings and written for fashion & design publications. i bring this experience with me when designing for your business. Once your site is complete I also train you on how to take care of your site, how to make any changes yourself and walk you through all of the features that Wix websites offer. I am also here if you need any help in the future.
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Serviços oferecidos
SEOEdição de imagensSite mobileWeb design clássicoWeb design avançadoAtualizações do siteConfigurações da lojaConectar domínioSite de eCommerceConfigurar menu do restauranteNovo design do site

Serviços e preços

Web design (4)

Pequenas tarefas (3)

Loja online (2)

Marketing e divulgação (1)

Design gráfico (1)

Web design clássico

Obtenha um site básico que inclui um tema.
A partir de $ 300

Web design avançado

Obtenha um site com efeitos visuais personalizados, recursos avançados e mais.
A partir de $ 400

Novo design do site

Obtenha um novo tema e design para seu site.
A partir de $ 300

Site mobile

Obtenha um site com ótimo layout no mobile.
A partir de $ 180

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