Add the badge to your site and show your support for Israel.
Let visitors donate to organizations that assist Israel.
Provide visitors with reliable information about the conflict.
Your visitors can share curated social media posts to spread awareness about the ongoing situation in Israel.
Let everyone know you stand firmly with Israel during these challenging times. Provide your visitors with ways to help Israel. Our interactive and clickable badge provides a link to resources and accurate information, such as articles, videos, posters, and more.
This practical and customizable badge lets your visitors access factual information about the war, donate to various organizations that support Israel, and share social media content to raise awareness. Add the "Stand with Israel" badge to your site and show your solidarity with the people of Israel.
WRONGI support a safe and peaceful Israel and Jewish homeland - however I condemn this brutal war on the people of Gaza. The hostages and Israelites lost in this war of ages is...
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Susankeogh/ Dec 31, 2024
Wouldn't recommend
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Mooylive/ Nov 12, 2024
Free Palestine & End the war .
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Lindirio04/ Aug 25, 2024
Its Just self Promotingas always
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Glibman1972/ Jul 3, 2024
עם ישראל חי
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