Receive instant order and fulfillment notifications on any platform
Select multiple platforms and channels
Simple Setup: It's easy and 100% free
Notifications include: new order, order cancelled, order paid, order refunded, fulfillment completed, and fulfillment cancelled
MonsterNotify instantly delivers order notifications to Slack, Discord, and Microsoft Teams workspaces. After the 30-second setup, you'll be on your way to receiving detailed notifications about your e-commerce store. Never miss an order update again!
You can set notifications for as many platforms and as many channels as you'd like. Have multiple stores? No problem! Install MonsterNotify on each store and send notifications to the same workspace.
You can select from the following notification types:
- New Order
- Order Cancelled
- Order Paid
- Order Refunded
- Fulfillment Completed (when an order has been marked as fulfilled)
- Fulfillment Cancelled (when an order fulfillment has been canceled)
All features are free. We'd love to create customized notifications or features, so please reach out if you have a request :)
not working anymorejust randomly stopped working and can't redownload
Equipe Cascade Up
Hi cuffedanddcharmedllc,
Our team has resolved the issue. Please redownload and let us know if you run into any issues!
MonsterNotify Support
Obrigado pelo seu feedback
Arnavdev23/ Jun 17, 2023
Amazing App
Obrigado pelo seu feedback
Jg7717/ Jan 2, 2023
Can't save information for webhookSupport is looking into my problem. I am feel good that they reached out and are looking at it.
I think they are offline now
Obrigado pelo seu feedback
Deafchildpresents/ Dec 21, 2022
Please make with work Wix Bookings + Plans & Pricing Page!Great concept, just wished it worked with all of the Wix apps so I could use it! I have been looking for a way to send purchase and lead gen info to my...
Equipe Cascade Up
Hi Deafchildpresents,
We hear your concerns. We would love to work with you and enable notifications for Wix Bookings! Please reach out to so we can learn more and build a solution...
Obrigado pelo seu feedback
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