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Salesdish Purchase Notice
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Salesdish Purchase Notice

Show visitors how popular your product is.
Site Premium necessário

Visão geral de Salesdish Purchase Notice

    Recent Sales Notification: Boost your store sales by showing recent sales notifications to your store's visitors and encourage them to purchase a product from your store.
    Recent Added To Cart Notification: No Orders Yet? Don't Worry. Make your store look busy by showing your visitors the products your customers have recently added to their carts, boosting your customers' confidence to finish the order.
    Custom Notifications: Notifications are fully customizable, you can use our intuitive WYSIWYG settings to customize the notification text color, background color, etc. to match your store design.
    Easy 2 Minute Setup: Show beautiful Recent Sales Notification and Recent Added To Cart Notification on your website with one click.
According to statistics, a majority of online shoppers trust recommendations from other consumers like them. Salesdish Purchase Notice can help them see what others are buying or adding, show your website visitors how popular your product is, creating a positive experience and motivating them to make the purchase. Setup is super simple. You can decide what type of notifications to show, customize which order records to display, what information about the order is shown, such as customer’s name, products bought, country... All the data comes from the real data of your store, providing your customers with irrefutable social proof and increasing their desire to buy.
Disponibilidade:Esse aplicativo está disponível em todo o mundo.
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Requisitos do site:
- Plano Premium
- Domínio conectado
Aplicativo desenvolvido porANTDIY

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