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Salesdish Stock Alert
Site Premium necessário

Salesdish Stock Alert

Send alerts when products are low in stock
3.2 (5)
Site Premium necessário

Visão geral de Salesdish Stock Alert

    Stock Alert: Receive stock alerts as soon as a product's stock falls below your predefined threshold. You have enough time to restock your products before they are out of stock.
    Custom Email Address: You can customize the email to receive out-of-stock alerts.
    Cool off Period: You can set the interval for sending emails to avoid repeated reminders for the same product when the number of low-stock products changes.
    Friendly Interface: The interface design is very simple, there are no extra pages or features.
Ensuring that products on your website are restocked on time is critical for your customers online shopping experience. If a product is out of stock, you will easily lose sales or credibility. Salesdish Stock Alert solves this problem by notifying you or your vendors when the items' inventory level is below a specific threshold. Receive an inventory alert as soon as your products' stock level is less than the stock level you set. This way, you can replenish an item before it is out of stock.  Our app is simple and easy to use. No more confusing guide or developer's help. You can set up our app with just a few clicks of a button in less than a minute. We love helping customers, please feel free to contact us if you have any problems.
Disponibilidade:Esse aplicativo está disponível em todo o mundo.
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Requisitos do site:
- Plano Premium
- Domínio conectado
Aplicativo desenvolvido porANTDIY

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