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Shabat Shalom
Por We Do The Stuff
Site Premium necessário

Shabat Shalom

Por We Do The Stuff
Auto open and close your site on Shabat
5.0 (1)
Site Premium necessário

Visão geral de Shabat Shalom

    Site will be auto closed on Shabat
    Site will be auto open after Shabat
    Customize message to your visitors
    Customize image on screen to your visitors
Shabat Shalom is designed for all of the site owners that close the site before Shabat and open it after it ends manually. The app will take care of the hassle automatically. The app Is connected to Hebcal (Hebrew Calander) API and get all the dates and time for Shabbat and Jewish holidays so you won't have to do anything except installing the app. Talk To Your Site Visitors You can add a customized message to your visitors explaining to them why the store is closed with a personal touch. You can also upload your store logo. The message also contains a countdown so your Visitors will be able to see when the store will be open. This also ensures that if you decide to change your theme, the app will still close the site on the relevant dates and times.
Disponibilidade:Esse aplicativo está disponível em todo o mundo.
Idiomas do aplicativo:
Você pode traduzir todo o conteúdo do aplicativo exibido no seu site para qualquer idioma.
Requisitos do site:
- Plano Premium
- Domínio conectado
Aplicativo desenvolvido porWe Do The Stuff

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Customize message
Email support
Auto open and close store
Connected to HebCal API
* O preço está em USD.

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