Get your site listed in directories & business listings like Google, Yahoo, Bing & more!
Easily add your business address, hours and phone number
Start today and list your site for FREE!
Drive more traffic to your site. Get found on search engines & top-tier directories.
Site Booster lists and monitors your business online in the most important places across the web.
Please money backThis is not fair marketing - to use customer carelessness or human forgetfulness to deduct the fee for the application from the account without prior warning! It is fair practice to remind in...
Obrigado pelo seu feedback
Info46523/ Nov 26, 2024
Nie bestellt und trotzdem abgebuchtIch habe diese App nie bestellt und der Betrag wird trotzdem abgebucht.
Equipe AppSharp
Das tut mir sehr leid. Vielleicht haben sie die automatische verlängerung nicht deaktiviert? Können sie uns bitte ihre Wix rechnungsnummer per e-mail senden:
Gerne erstatten wir Ihnen den kaufpreis für einen unerwünschten...
Obrigado pelo seu feedback
Adminzeeta/ Nov 21, 2024
Slows down our websiteWe have been working with Wix help support to determine why our website is so slow. They suggested we delete this app to help site speed. This is not good.
Equipe AppSharp
Hi Zeeta,
Sorry to hear you were having speed issues. Our app is external and not a widget that you install on your website. I can assure you it doesn't impact the speed of...
Obrigado pelo seu feedback
Davidthailand/ Nov 12, 2024
I am back :)I am convinced that the people leaving negative reviews here only make themselves heard when they’re unhappy with something, while staying silent all the other times. Shame on you for not sharing the...
Equipe AppSharp
Thank you David. We appreciate you taking the time to write this feedback. Welcome back :)
Obrigado pelo seu feedback
Preços e planos
Plano Basic
Plano Site Booster Premium
* O preço está em USD.
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